During the year parents will be invited in to the academy to discuss their child’s progress at parents’ evenings in the autumn and spring terms. In the summer term an evening is offered where parents are able to drop in if they wish to talk to the current teacher or to see their child’s new teacher. A written report is provided in the summer term and includes results of any statutory assessments which children have undertaken in Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6.
In assessing pupils, teachers use a range of strategies to produce a rounded judgement of where each child in their class sits against National Curriculum objectives. These include: national tests, phonics screening checks, Star Reader tests, EYFS framework, times tables checks, internal and external moderation, marking/written feedback, questioning and summative and formative assessment. Internal half termly pupil progress meetings are carried out to discuss and track the progress of each individual pupil. A termly data summary is available to parents via the Arbor app.