Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged students statement
The pupil premium is additional funding allocated to academies to help support certain pupils with the aim of closing the attainment gap between them and their peers. The academy constantly challenges its pupils so that they achieve the highest levels of attainment whatever their starting point. The pupil premium is therefore a key resource for ensuring the realisation of this inclusive and aspirational ethos.
Those eligible are pupils who received free school meals (FSM) in the last 6 years (FSM - Ever 6), are currently in receipt of FSM, and looked after children (LAC) or ever in care (PostLAC). These are referred to as "disadvantaged pupils". Pupil premium refers to the above groups plus service children. We recognise that not all pupils who are in need qualify for pupil premium. We therefore reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support any individual that the school has identified as being in need.
The pupil premium is used to support a range of measures employed by the academy to address the discrepancy in the achievement of FSM/LAC and non FSM/LAC pupils. The Sutton Trust has undertaken extensive research to investigate the cost and effectiveness of various intervention strategies to improve the achievement of disadvantaged students. Its findings have been used, in part, to inform our pupil premium provision.
We will monitor closely the impact of pupil premium funding on pupils. Where possible, the impact on academic and pastoral outcomes will be evaluated in relation to spending, but for many activities, this is likely to be difficult due to their nature.
For more details please see the Pupil Premium Strategy
If you think you could be eligible for pupil premium finding, please contact the Academy.
PE and Sport Premium
Academies receive PE and sports premium funding based on the number of pupils in Years 1 to 6. Details of how this is used can be found here